
There is nothing worse than a spoiler. Entertainment sites are full of them and although most (including us here in RTÉ) journalists add some sort of “Spoiler Alert” disclaimer at the beginning of the article, sometimes your eye can wonder down the page and catch a key piece of text that ruins the next episode of your favourite show.

So what can we do?? We decided to create a simple JQuery plugin called “spoiler”. This simply blurs any content that is considered a “Spoiler”

Here is the plugin in action

[codepen_embed height=”268″ theme_id=”0″ slug_hash=”rVqBEb” default_tab=”result” user=”sidarcy”]See the Pen rVqBEb by Simon (@sidarcy) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

So how do journalists specify what text contains a spoiler? In our CMS “EPIC” we use the CKEditor text editor for adding/updating content. We added a custom style so that journalists can easily select the text containing spoilers

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Here how the text is highlighted in our CMS:

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Live Example on rte.ie

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